A Wise Woman’s Rite Of Passage

Dr Tieraona Low Dog Wise Woman

“The longest way round is the shortest way home.” — C.S. Lewis This idea of finding our way back home to ourselves is nothing new. In many native cultures in North and South America, a young person’s rite of passage – sometimes referred to as a ‘vision quest’ – is anything but a shortcut. A […]

The Hidden Power Of Fasting

Fasting Plate with No Food and only a Glass of Water

Why did our ancestors fast on a regular basis? If you think about it, every major religion — from Christianity to Buddhism to Hinduism (to name a few) — holds the practice of fasting to be sacred and necessary. Is it just a way of showing reverence to the almighty or is there more to […]

Death Of Distraction, Birth Of Awareness

Maloka Thatched Roof Hut in Jungle

A big misconception about shamanism and native medicine is that it’s a cosmic thrill ride into the spiritual realms that magically helps you overcome anything you’re struggling with. Sometimes it can be. But the journey involves a lot more than reality-altering ceremonies. In authentic Amazonian healing circles, every aspect of your existence is taken into […]

A Modern-Day Shaman Shares Her Wisdom

Nick Polizzi Chatting with Sandra Ingerman

A few days ago, I had the honor of speaking with a woman who has made a profound impact on the world of shamanic healing over the past 30 years. Her name is Sandra Ingerman and her wisdom stems from ancient healing traditions deep in Siberia, the land where the word “shaman” originates. The presence […]

How To Weave Shamanism Into Your Work Life

Nick Polizzi Chatting with Tyler Gage of Runa Tea

Last week, I had the pleasure of interviewing a man who is making a big impact on the Amazon Rainforest and also changing the way the world thinks about conscious business. His name is Tyler Gage and he’s breaking the mold by bringing sacred shamanic practices into his organization here in the States. Tyler is […]

How Our Wounds Can Heal Us

Child Raising Arms Facing the Light in a Dark Canyon

I came across a quote a few days ago that stopped me in my tracks. “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” ― Rumi The poet was probably speaking symbolically when he used the term “wound” above, referring to those places within us that have yet to be healed. But certain indigenous cultures […]

7 Reasons to Rediscover the Transformative Power of Shamanism

Jaguar with Colored Butterflies All Over Its Body

If I asked you to picture a shaman, what would you see in your mind’s eye? A lone mystic, sitting cross-legged in a cave somewhere, wreathed in fragrant smoke, chanting mystical incantations to the unseen forces that shape our lives? Maybe someone in an extraordinary costume with a whole variety of exotic objects hanging and […]

Spring Medicine For The Soul

Footprints on Sand by the Sunlit Ocean Shore

We find ourselves in a powerful and transformative time of year – an interim period between two seasons. The spring equinox was a few weeks ago, but the ground of the northern hemisphere is still remembering the winter and just beginning to wake up to the promise of the warmer months. This transitory phase is […]

A Powerful Habit I Learned From A Shaman

Man with Pancho and Hat Walking Through Sacred Land in Peru

A few years ago, a shaman in Honduras taught me an extremely useful technique that gives you clarity on your path and dissolves stress and anxiety. It’s had a pretty profound effect on my life and today I’d like to share it with you. Like much of the healing wisdom that comes from native cultures, […]

Nourishing Your Inner Garden

White Flower Opening Up and Releasing Sparkling Glowing Energy

I came across the little saying below yesterday and felt called to share it. “Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can either be flowers or weeds.” Our thoughts often pass behind our eyelids without much investigation into their origin, as though these assemblages of information are out of our […]

Soul Medicine For These Unusual Times

Glowing Pool of Water Dripping from Cupped Hands

We certainly live in unusual times, don’t we? When the news headlines are filled with fear and uncertainty, it’s easy to be thrown off keel and get into our heads. But the elders have taught for thousands of years that personal evolution doesn’t occur without a little ruckus, just like new seeds won’t sprout unless […]

A Lesson In Letting Go

Large Flock of Birds Flying Away from a Tree

In the middle of winter, there is a temptation to numb our senses while we wait for the flowers and bumblebees to come back in the spring.  But each season holds an equal amount of wisdom that is just waiting to be unlocked by those who are truly awake. Our ancestors had no choice but to […]